Crossing Over

Photo by Ta-Ching Chen on Unsplash.

What barriers are you willing to cross over for others to know and to experience Jesus? Are you willing to cross barriers to reach people you do not like, who are different than you, who do not share your values, or who offend you in some way, so that they can know Jesus and be rescued by him?

Followers of Jesus are to go to great lengths to cross barriers for others to know and experience Jesus’ salvation.

In Matthew’s gospel account Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee to reach out to pagan Gentile unbelievers. Jesus crossed over the great divide and the cultural and religious barriers to reach the lost and hurting Gadarenes.

Matthew tells us, “And when they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret. And when the men of that place recognized him, they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only touch the fringe of his garment. And as many as touched it were made well.” (Matthew 14:34-36, ESV).

In Mark chapter five and earlier in Matthew chapter eight, Jesus delivered a man possessed by demons in this same region. By crossing over the lake and carrying for this demon possessed man, all the region heard the good news, anticipated Jesus, and came to him to be healed when he returned to them. All because Jesus and his disciples lovingly crossed the barriers.

May we cross over every barrier so that all people will experience the love of Jesus and his salvation, healing, and transformation in their lives.

A Prayer for all Missionaries: “O God, you desire that all people be saved and come to knowledge of the truth: Prosper all those who live, preach, and teach the Gospel at home and in distant lands; protect them in all perils, support them in their loneliness, sustain them in the hour of trial; give them your abundant grace to bear faithful witness; and endue them with burning zeal and love, that they may turn many to righteousness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (#19., Book of Common Prayer, 2019).

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Photo by Ta-Ching Chen on Unsplash. More photography can be found here:

Robbie Pruitt

Robbie Pruitt is a minister in Ashburn, Virginia. Robbie loves Jesus, family, ministry, the great outdoors, writing poetry and writing about theology, discipleship and leadership. He has been in ministry more than twenty-five years and graduated from Columbia International University and Trinity School for Ministry.

Grafted In


Spending Yourself