Follow the Sunrise
Follow the Sunrise
Follow the sunrise path
out across the ocean.
Follow the light streams
beyond the waves in motion.
Follow the sunrise
beyond the horizon
out past the ocean foam
opposite the dunes
where few feet roam.
Follow the light stream
to the curve of the earth
out where the ocean ends
and gives way to new birth.
©️October 10, 2023, Robbie Pruitt

Light Stream
Light Stream
By: Robbie Pruitt
Rainbow light stream
pierced the dark sky
separating earth and heaven
from ground to gray cloud
a light bridge lifting the eye
through shadowy shroud
of rain and mist and light stream
the composition of the eternal dream.
#SpillWords #English #Poetry #poem #shortpoetry
From Spillwords: https://spillwords.com/light-stream/

Shutter the windows
and the doors
shut out the light
and the world abhorred
close it out with nail
and with board
shutter the window
and the door.
Open the windows
and the door
fling wide the shutters
to the light of the Lord
open the house
to streams of light
no more shutters
no more night.
©️May 23, 2023, Robbie Pruitt
Shutters, photo by Dave Waldrup.

Asphalt Shepherd
Asphalt Shepherd
Walking the dark
and hardened road
the long shadows
of death forebode
I will not fear
though evil appear
for the presence
of the Asphalt Shepherd
is abundantly clear
bringing comfort
as he draws near.
©️October 15, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4, ESV).
Photography by Hugh Talman, © 2022.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Fall Eucharist
Fall Eucharist
The leaves fall
like crumbs from the table
in the autumn breeze—
with the chill of the air
their colors change
until the tree lay bare.
The table is set before us
as the fallen leaves blanket
the backdrop of autumn
through the windowpane.
Eucharist in the fall
reminds us of life
laid bare before winter
and the resurrection of spring
with all the life that God will bring.
©October 13, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16, ESV).
Photography by Hugh Talman, © 2022.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Silent witnesses
sit in the stillness
of raw vulnerability
the pouring out of truth
weeping regret
remorse and repentance penitence and pain
and the coming restoration
from the one who bore the stain.
©October 13, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16, ESV).
Photography by Hugh Talman, © 2022.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Poet’s Jasmine
Poet’s Jasmine
Dew drops off
fragrant jasmine
blooming beautifully
in the fall morning mist
the white flower weeps
at the beauty of the sunrise and the morning light
©October 13, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
Poet’s Jasmine, Just Outside My Door, photo by Hugh Talman.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

The King’s Minstrel
The King’s Minstrel
The King’s minstrel
kneels and plays
for the little girl
as she listens to songs of the glory of the King.
He sings a song of praise
to share the worship of his King
for all the glory that it would bring.
©October 13, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
Fr. Dean Schultz, photo by Hugh Talman.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Keeping Watch
Keeping Watch
Kneeling in prayer
in soft surrender
upon the sacred floor
in a sea of outstretched hands longing for God to give us more
of his presence and healing
seeking a word and an open door looking to God to move once more.
©October 13, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
Prayer, photo by Hugh Talman.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Communion Table
Communion Table
The bread is broken
poured out is the wine
the table set for all to dine
to feast on him together
His holy church unfettered.
His body the bread
His blood the wine
bridging eternity in present time
His life broken and poured—
the feast of salvation from our Lord.
©October 13, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
Communion Table, photo by Hugh Talman.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Palms waiving
shouts of hosanna ring palms thrown down
at the feet of the king.
Palms resting
upon wooden beam
ripped apart at the seam
of cracked wood
and splintered knot
for all who waived palms then turned away and forgot.
©October 12, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
Palms on Table, photo by Hugh Talman.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Tricolor Creation
Tricolor Creation
God’s eye
is upon His creation
seen through a rose
colored glass eye
it groans in dark shadow
pierced by a trinity of light
keeping watch over the passersby
©️October 12, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
Tricolor Creation Rose Window, photo by Hugh Talman.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

God provides
the sacrifice
tangled in wood
caught by branches
mangled in thorn
intertwined in blood
stained thicket and scorn
snagged horns and head
bringing life from the dead
©October 7, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
“Abraham said, ‘God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.’” (Genesis 22:8, ESV).
“And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” (Genesis 22:13-14, ESV).
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

from the abyss
up from the darkness
into the light
into bliss
turned back
to what was missed
©October 6, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
Ascension, sculpture by Walter Slaughter. Photo by Hugh Talman, ©1996.
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Light Stream
Light Stream
Rainbow light stream
pierced the dark sky
separating earth and heaven
from ground to gray cloud
a light bridge lifting the eye
through shadowy shroud
of rain and mist and light stream
the composition of the eternal dream.
©September 14, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing robbie@robbiepruitt.com. Or purchase the book at www.robbiepruitt.com and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: https://www.forgetmenotministries.org

Jesus lay in borrowed tomb
His body still from the wounds
of suffering, agony, and death
shrouded in cloth and darkness
cold, lifeless, and without breath.
The savior lay in solemn rest
deep within the earthen womb
behind the sealed limestone
His body laid bare and alone
in anticipation of the morning
and the removal of the stone
when the Spirit’s power shone
animating sinew, flesh, and bone
birthing new life in resurrection
defeating guilt, sin, and death
altering history—charting new direction
all of creation breathing Spirit’s breath.
©️April 8, 2023, Robbie Pruitt
“They took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews. Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. So because of the Jewish day of Preparation, since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there.” (John 19:40-42, ESV).
A Collect for Holy Saturday: “O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 2019).
Andrea Mantegna, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Andrea_Mantegna_-_The_Lamentation_over_the_Dead_Christ_-_WGA13981.jpg

The Finished Work
The Finished Work
Knowing all was finished
the thirsty savior
hanging from the tree
from nailed angle bones
and spiked wrists,
his side pierced,
and his crown thorns,
forgave the crowd’s scorn
suffering agony and death
for all to be reborn.
©️April 7, 2023, Robbie Pruitt
“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5, ESV).
“Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said (to fulfill the Scripture), ‘I thirst.’ A jar full of sour wine stood there, so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:28-30, ESV).
A Collect for Good Friday: “Almighty God, we beseech you graciously to behold this your family, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the Cross; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 2019).
The Raising of the Cross, by James Tissot, circa 1890

Basin and Towel
Basin and Towel
Love stoops down
it humbly bends
draped in towel
hunching over basin
it pours out water
over dirty feet
and dirty souls
mingling over meat.
Love takes basin and towel
from the servant’s seat.
Love serves their enemy
and is honored to greet.
Love lingers long
at the lowly task
of hospitality and chivalry
with the loving words,
“If I do not wash you,
you have no share with me.”
Cleansed for eternity
I do for you what was done for me.
©️April 6, 2023, Robbie Pruitt

Washed Feet
Washed Feet
Water poured into wine
joy in celebration
from despair to the sublime.
Water poured out
by the hands of the divine
over dirty feet and grime.
Water poured out
into basin from water jar
dried by hands yet scarred.
Water poured out
for purity and cleansing
living water from the spout.
Water poured out
from the side of the savior
for this is what he came for.
To be water poured out
he emptied himself in the flow
a cleansing joy for all to know.
©️April 4, 2023, Robbie Pruitt

God of the Garden
God of the Garden
The God of the garden
cultivated Eden’s ground
and man from dust
—freedom bound.
The God of the garden
and rebellious man
twisted in thorn and thistle
at the enemy’s hand.
The God of the garden
lay cool in the borrowed tomb
to set the captives free from death
through resurrection womb.
The God of the garden
cultivating re-creation
new birth and resurrection
new life for every nation.
©️April 3, 2023, Robbie Pruitt