Fearing God
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash.
Who do you respect the most? What is your level of fear, or reverence, for those you respect the most? Does your fear of God exceed the reverence you have for everyone else in your life?
Revering God is the beginning of insight, knowledge, and wisdom. To fear God is to respect God for who he is.
The wisdom of the Proverbs tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” (Proverbs 9:10, ESV).
Fearing God above everyone else is a good thing. To fear God is to show God deep respect and admiration.
Fearing God has benefits beyond our imagining. To fear God is to have the wisdom of God and insight as we grow in the knowledge of the Holy One.
May we experience the wisdom of God and insight as we fear God and grow in the knowledge of him.
A Collect for the Third Sunday after Pentecost, (Proper 8): “O God, your never-failing providence sets in order all things both in heaven and on earth: Put away from us all hurtful things, and give us those things that are profitable for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 2019).
Begin the month with a #dailydevotional. I have created a #devotional book for each month, a devotional for every day of the year, and offering them for #free by subscribing. Get a link to #Grow365: #June2022—A #Daily Devotional here: robbiepruitt.com.
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash.