Life and Death
Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash.
Where does life come from? What are the issues concerning life and death?
God is the author of life. Life originated from God and it is God who champions life in the world. The evil one—the enemy of life is only concerned with stealing from life, killing life, and destroying life.
Jesus said this about life and death: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10, ESV).
God is concerned with life in an abundance for his creation. Anything and anyone who diminishes life in any way is not doing God’s life-giving work. Those who do the work of stealing, killing, and destroying are participating in the work of the enemy.
May we be about God’s work of abundant life and find ourselves on the right side of issues of life and death in the world.
A Collect for Faith: “Lord Jesus Christ, by your death you took away the sting of death: Grant to us your servants so to follow in faith where you have led the way, that we may at length fall asleep peacefully in you and wake up in your likeness; for your tender mercies’ sake. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 2019).
Begin the year right with a #dailydevotional time. I will be creating a #devotional book for every day of the month, all year long, and offering them for #free by subscribing. Get a link to #Grow365: #January—A #Daily Devotional here:
Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash.