Paul’s Roman World Context
Detail from The Apostle Paul by Rembrandt van Rijn (c1675). Courtesy National Gallery of Art/Wikipedia
How do we understand and apply the letters of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament? What insights can we gain from Paul’s letters in understanding his Roman world context?
As much as things change in the world over time, some things never change. As the author of Ecclesiastes phrased it, “There is nothing new under the sun.”
Understanding the Apostle Paul and his Roman world context, helps us to see the emphasis placed on identity in the Roman world in the first century. It also gives us insights and applications for Christians living out their faith in the world today, which has similarities to the Roman world.
The Greco-Roman world context highlights where people derived their sense of identity. Paul’s writings address the importance of identity in Christ in light of a person’s status, or lack there of.
In his writings Paul emphasizes and confronts identity issues of worship, economic position, a person’s status as a slave, or a free person, gender roles and identity, and of course, whether or not a person is a Roman citizen.
A cultural understanding of the Roman world brings about understanding and the weightiness and depth of meaning and insight of Paul’s words to the Galatians when he wrote, “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:27-28, ESV).
Our identity as followers of Jesus is secure and focused as we are all one in Christ Jesus. When we are baptized in Christ, we put on our new identity in Christ—we put on Christ. Jesus becomes our primary identity.
May we understand the Roman world context in which Paul wrote his letters, and better understand our own world, and our true identity in Christ Jesus, as we put on Christ.
In Christ alone, Robbie
A Collect For Peter and Paul, Apostles: “Almighty God, whose blessed apostles Peter and Paul glorified you by their martyrdom: Grant that your Church, instructed by their teaching and example, and knit together in unity by your Spirit, may ever stand firm upon the one foundation, which is Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 2019).
Detail from The Apostle Paul by Rembrandt van Rijn (c1675). Courtesy National Gallery of Art/Wikipedia