Photo by Vaishakh pillai on Unsplash
What lengths has God gone to in order that you might be reconciled to himself? Are you attempting to reconcile yourself, or are you being reconciled to God—by God?
We all need reconciliation in our brokenness. Our fallenness demands resolution which is beyond our own comprehension and ability.
As followers of Jesus, we have been reconciled to God through the incomprehensible love and sacrifice of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are loved by God and given salvation and life by God through the sacrifice of his son.
Paul wrote to the church in Rome of God’s reconciling love, saying, “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.” (Romans 5:10, ESV).
Even while we were enemies of God in our brokenness and rebellion, and in our mutinous sin, God loved us and gave us his son to reconcile us to himself and to give us his life—through his own sacrifice and life.
May we be reconciled to God, and receive the glorious gift of reconciliation with God, and be saved by God, as we receive his life for ours.
In Christ alone, Robbie
A Collect For Strength To Await Christ’s Return: “O God our King, by the resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ on the first day of the week, you conquered sin, put death to flight, and gave us the hope of everlasting life: Redeem all our days by this victory; forgive our sins, banish our fears, make us bold to praise you and to do your will; and steel us to wait for the consummation of your kingdom on the last great Day; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 2019).
Photo by Vaishakh pillai on Unsplash