Light Stream
Birthday Rainbow, photo by Hugh Talman.
Light Stream
Rainbow light stream
pierced the dark sky
separating earth and heaven
from ground to gray cloud
a light bridge lifting the eye
through shadowy shroud
of rain and mist and light stream
the composition of the eternal dream.
©September 14, 2022, Robbie Pruitt
From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.
100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing Or purchase the book at and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.
Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here: