
Palms on Table, photo by Hugh Talman.


Palms waiving
shouts of hosanna ring palms thrown down
at the feet of the king.

Palms resting
upon wooden beam
ripped apart at the seam
of cracked wood
and splintered knot
for all who waived palms then turned away and forgot.

©October 12, 2022, Robbie Pruitt

Palms on Table, photo by Hugh Talman.

From Captions – #Pictures and #Words. Captions is now available for #NationalPoetryMonth! #Captions is a book of #Photography, by Hugh Talman, and #Poetry, by Robbie Pruitt, written and compiled in 2022, and benefitting Forget-Me-Not Ministries. This book consists of 21 color #photographs and 21 #poems in #Ebook, PDF, format.

100% of the proceeds from this Ebook will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries. Make a donation to this #mission, any amount over $10.00, and receive a free copy of Captions - Pictures and Words by emailing Or purchase the book at and all proceeds will be donated to Forget-Me-Not Ministries.

Donate and find out more about Forget-Me-Not Ministries here:

Robbie Pruitt

Robbie Pruitt is a minister in Ashburn, Virginia. Robbie loves Jesus, family, ministry, the great outdoors, writing poetry and writing about theology, discipleship and leadership. He has been in ministry more than twenty-five years and graduated from Columbia International University and Trinity School for Ministry.

Communion Table


Tricolor Creation