God is Working
Photo by Geraldine Lewa on Unsplash
Does God work? And if God works, does God take a break from his work? What would happen if God ceased to do work?
Work is good. God is always at work in the world. God also rests from his labors, but God is steady at work for his purposes in the world.
John’s Gospel tells us, after Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath Day, and asking him to pick up his mat and walk, the man went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him. Because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jews were persecuting Jesus. Jesus answered them, saying, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” (John 5:15-17, ESV).
If work were not good, God would not work, and Jesus would not be working with God the Father from the foundation of the world. God is good. Work is good. And God’s work is good. God is always working in his children and in the world. God’s work does not take a day off.
Because God values work, because God is at work in his creation, and because God created each of us to do good work, we can value work and do God’s good work which he has called us to do in the world.
Recognizing Jesus’ consistent work, may we join God in doing his good work in the world.
In Christ alone, Robbie
A Prayer For Commerce And Industry: “O Lord Jesus Christ, in your earthly life you shared our toil and hallowed our labor: Guide those who maintain the commerce and industries of this land, and give to all who labor pride in their work, a just reward, and joy both in supplying need and in serving you; who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, world without end. Amen.” (#46, Book of Common Prayer, 2019).
Photo by Geraldine Lewa on Unsplash